Our Services

Our Services

Center of Excellence

AVA Nurse Competency Center

Ely-yon Training Institute

Home Therapist

Homecare Support

Physiotherapy Examination
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy


Wound Care

Advanced Wound Care

AVA Nurse Shop

Medical Equipment & Accessories Shop

Who we are

Mentorship, Care and Innovation

Ava Medi Care was set up by two registered and qualified nurses in 2015, rebranded to AVA Nurse in 2022, who in their 20+ years of practice were able to identify gaps in: Care giving, Nurse Appreciation, Training in auxiliary support staff and providing quality affordable, Home Care support services.

From working in the top hospitals in the country, the directors have amassed a wealth of experience that spans decades, giving rise to their drive and desire to improve the practice of nursing. AVA Nurse is an organization that specializes in the delivery of quality patient care by nursing professionals, medical doctors and overall, healthcare professionals.


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